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Sabbat -  From the Greek word "sabbatu," meaning, "to rest." Opposite of Esbat. Little work or small amount of rituals are done. This is a time to gather and celebrate. Often mult. Covens from the area would all join in on the festivals. This word is used to apply to any of the eight solar festivals of the Neo-Pagan and Wiccan year, which are also known as the Days of Power.  They originate from the days honoring  the Solstices, Equinoxes and Celtic agricultural festivals. These are: Yule, Winter Solstice;   Imbolc, February 1st;   Ostara, Vernal Equinox;   Beltaine, May 1st;   Litha, Summer Solstice;   Lughnassadh, August 1st;   Mabon, Autumnal Equinox;  Samhain, October 31st;

Sabbats, The Greater -  Sabbats that are FIRE festivals. "Cross-Quarter" means they fall evenly between the Quarter sabbats. For the ancients, these were the festivals of harvesting, planting, breeding (herds, flocks), and slaughtering (livestock for food). Referring to the Sabbats of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltaine and Lughnassadh.

Sabbats, The Lesser -  Sabbats That are SOLAR festivals. They are the Spring Equinox and Fall Equinox, which are the days when we have equal amounts of day and night. Plus the Summer Solstice (longest day of the year) and Winter Solstice (shortest day of the year). Referring to the Sabbats of Yule, Ostara, Litha and Mabon.

Sacred - Holy; linked to the Divine. Anything that is sacred is to be seen with the utmost importance and respect.

Sacred Salt - Used for purifying and clearing energy. Representative of the Element of Earth, most often added to water to make, in essence, "Holy Water".  

Sacred Space - Sacred Space is space which is used for magical work or worship. Sometimes it is specially prepared by cleansing or other magical operations whose purpose is to change the vibration of the energy. Sometimes this change in vibration takes place as an automatic consequence of the activity taking place. In all cases it is not the physical area itself which is sacred, but rather the special nature of energy which has been raised in this way which creates “Sacred Space.”

Sacrifice – Giving a gift to Deity/s and is now most commonly done during the offering of Cake and Wine or cake and ale to the Gods. See Libation

Samhain - (pr Irish sow-in & Scottish sav-en)   First of the four Fire Festivals and second of the two greatest Sabbats.  An ancient Celtic festival which celebrates the beginning of winter, marked by death and the beginning of the dark half of the year. Samhain means "end of summer." All other fires were to be extinguished and lighted again from the sacrificial fire. This custom still continues in Ireland and Scotland. The veil between the worlds of the living and dead is the thinnest during this time making communications easier. It is a time for eliminating weaknesses, when pagans once slaughtered weak animals that were thought not to be able to survive the winter. This custom resulted in the modern practice by some who wanted to get rid of their weaknesses of writing them on a piece of paper and dropping them into a fire. Samhain was Christianized into All Hallow’s Eve or Halloween. Divinatory practice is common during this celebration.

Sanctuary - The sacred place of protection and tranquility. Most Witch's Circles and Covendoms are considered their Sanctuaries.

Santeria - A Voodoo religion modernly practiced mostly by Haitians and some Cubans.

Sapphire - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of psychic development, creativity, passion and energy stimulation.

Satanism - Based on being a perversion of the Judaeo-Christian religion, It is necessary to believe in the Christian pantheon, including Satan, in order to practice Satanism. Satanists see the Devil as a God, recite the Lord's Prayer backwards and perform a rite they call the Black Mass, a parody of the Christian mass. A famous example of a Satanic cult was the prestigious Hellfire Club, to which such people as Benjamin Franklin, Oscar Wilde's wife, and Aleister Crowley (among others) belonged to. It is important to realize that Wicca and Satanism are not the same thing. They are not even close! Wicca is an ancient, pre-Christian religion dedicated to fertility and nature, love and balance.

Saturnalia - The Roman celebration of the Winter Solstice. See Yule.

Scourge - Small device made from leather or hemp which resembles a whip and is used in flagellation rites within some tradidtions.

Scrying - A divination method performed by  gazing into a pool of water, a black mirror, a fire or flame,  crystal ball, mirror, etc. While scrying, the individual is able to "see" images or gain information about a specific person, place, or object.

Scrying Mirror - A tool used for scrying. Often called a black mirror.  See Black Mirror

Seax-Wica - In 1962, Raymond Buckland, a protege of Gerald Gardner, moved to the United States where he founded this tradition. Buckland taught the Gardnerian tradition for a number of years. Because of problems that he saw in the practice of the craft, he started his own tradition in 1973. Seax-Wica is based on Saxon traditions, but as Buckland admits, he made it up alone. Covens decide for themselves if they will work skyclad or robed. Witches of this tradition can be initiated by the coven or through self-study.


Second Degree - Given the title Priest or  Priestess, and is attainable with no less than two years of study with a coven.  and the power to act as an HPS or HP under the jurisdiction and authority of a Third Degree HPS or HP.  May write and oversee the performance of rituals, and may be asked to call Quarters.  Is qualified to assist during the symbolic OR actual Great Rite.  May serve in a position of authority within the Coven as a Mentor of the Arts, or serve as an Elder on a High Court counsel.  May also serve as a Maiden if asked. During the time one is a Second Degree HPS or HP, she or he is learning to administer to the needs of the Coven, counsel and advise - a "trainee," so to speak. 2nd Degree initiates may, if given permission, by the HPS, do formal dedications, and in certain circumstances, perform First degree initiations. 

Sedatives - Herbs which sooth, calm nervousness, and tranquilize: bugleweed, catnip, chamomile, fennel, heal-all, hop vine oil, horsebalm, Linden flowers, New Jersey tea, passion vine, scullcap, skunk cabbage root, valerian, viburnum, and Witch hazel.

Seed Moon, Storm Moon- March  Sowing season and symbol of the start of the new season.

Seeker - One interested in learning about the Old Religion.

Self-Dedication - An initiation by a Solitary Pagan devoting themselves into the service of the Pagan/ Wiccan Path. See Initiation, Solitary  

Sex Magick - This form of magick utilizes the emotional powers of love and lust and the magickal energies generated physically through exertion and adrenaline. This is not to say that Pagans are a bunch of promiscuous walking hormones who have orgies every night (Well, not every night *Grin*); far from it. We view sex as natural and it symbolizes the embodiment of life. The union of masculine and feminine, without which (re)birth would not be.

Shade - The spirit of the dead  which refuses to leave the physical plane. Ghosts rather than beings on the next spiritual level.

Shaman - A person (male or female) that possesses knowledge of the subtle energies & spirits of animals of the world. Many Shaman were considered "Wise Men" (or Women) within their cultures. Their understanding of the subtle energies allowed them to perform magick. Shamanism is inherent in many Earth-based religions, such as the many AmerIndian and Celtic traditions. Shamanism can be incorporated into any religion or belief system, almost, if not totally without contradiction.

Shamanism - The religion of the ancient peoples of northern Europe and Asia, generally characterized by the ability of the Shaman to communicate with the spirit world. Major facets of Shamanism are animism, possession, prophecy/revelations, shape-shifting, and soul travel.

Shape-shifting - A very esoteric practice involving changing the human form. This can be practiced while on the astral plane, this alone is a great accomplishment. It is said that one can also shape-shift on the physical plane, though documented proof of this is nonexistent.

Shifting Consciousness - The process through which we rise from our normal thinking level of consciousness to connect with our Higher Self. It is from this higher level of consciousness that magic is practiced as a conscious act, creating a distinctly different state from that of our normal mind.

Show-stone - A crystal sphere used for divination, especially scrying. Also called a crystal ball.

Shrine - A sacred place that holds a collection of objects representing a deity.

Sideromancy - burning of straws with hot metal, the resulting burn marks having divinatory properties.

Sigil - A magickally Runic oriented symbol or glyph that us used in magickal workings or rituals. There are sigils for Protection, Healing, Courage, War (or seeing one through a conflict), etc..  Ones you create yourself are the most effective.  Sigils can be used on letters, packages, clothing, etc.

Sin - To 'sin' is to miss one's mark. From the Greek. Most Pagans do not believe in 'sin' as the Christians do, much less 'original sin'. This is because of the law of polarity, 'good' cannot exist without 'evil' and vice versa, thus everything that exists is both 'good' and 'evil'. And as for 'original sin' most Pagans would agree that only descendants of Adam and Eve would be burdened with original sin. I know, you're thinking "but according to Christianity didn't all humanity come from Adam and Eve?" The Earth was populated (Gen. 1:27) before Eden (Gen 2), and thus Adam and Eve. Still not convinced? Read the story of Cain and Abel. Believe it or not, Cain married a Pagan woman, she was not of Adam and Eve's bloodline.

Sky clad - This term literally means 'clad only in the sky'. The act of working magick or performing rituals in the nude. Nude worship has been used in Pagan practices for century after century.

Smudging - An American practice adopted from Native Americans, though the Native American practice itself is said to have arisen only in the past hundred years. The smoke is fanned toward the person, object or area using a feather fan or with the hand. Sage is the most common herb used, and this plus Tobacco, Cedar and Sweetgrass may be included for a traditional Four Winds Smudge.

Snow Moon, Mourning Moon- November    1st  full moon of the new Celtic year. The sacred tree of the Druids and the Roman God Jupiter is most noble as it withstands winter storms. See oak moon for 1st

Sol Invictus -  "Invincible Sun." The celebration of the birthday of Mithra, a Roman god of the sun, born on the Winter Solstice (which falls on December 25th in the Mediterranean).

Solar - Of or relating to the sun.

Solar  infusion - Put fresh or dried herbs in a jar with cool water. Place in the sun for Ritual baths. Also known as “Witch Water”.

Solitaire - One who does not belong to a coven. A lone practitioner of the Magickal Arts and/or Pagan practices. Many modern Pagans begin their spiritual study and practice alone. These Pagans have more freedom than those who are members of covens, since they do not have to compromise with any other members. They may worship as they wish when they wish to. A solitaire has usually devoted themselves to the God(s) and/or Goddess(es) through a Self-Dedication. A solitaire doesn't always remain a solitaire, if they wish to become a member of a coven, but as the saying goes; "Solitaire: by choice or by chance."  Losses would be, not getting one on one help and others point of view as well as Elders to gain knowledge from and strength in numbers.

Solstice - SAHL-stiss or SOL-stiss, ("sun standing still") the time of year when the sun is farthest north of the
equator or farthest south of the equator. In the northern hemisphere, the Winter Solstice occurs on December 21 or 22 and the Summer Solstice on June 21 or 22. In the Southern Hemisphere, where the seasons are reversed, the solstices are exactly the opposite. From the Latin "sol" meaning sun, and status, the past participle of the verb "sistere," meaning to come to stand still. Literally, the sun appears to "stand still" since it seems to arrive on the horizon in the same place, both sunrise and sunset, before it starts drifting to the north or south again. [ solstitium, solstitium]. See Yule and Litha.

So Mote it Be - A phrase used often in rituals to close a chant or incantation. It literally means, "It must be so" or "So it shall be".

Soporifics - Botanicals which are used to induce sleep: barberry, bay, catnip, chicory, goldenseal, hops, lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, onion, passionflower, Saint John's wort, sweet woodruff, and valerian.

Sorcery - Magickal practice which involves summoning, binding, or banishing deities. Often a sorcerer (practitioner of sorcery) uses no tools.

Soul Mates - Also known as "Twin Souls."  Two people who are involved with each other through successive incarnations, becoming much like a pair binary stars.

Spell - A magickal ritual, usually non-religious in nature and often accompanied by spoken words.  It should be clear, concise, focused and emotional.  It is the extension of mental and emotional energy in order to accomplish a specific goal.  A spell can be written, spoken, drawn, etc. Prayers are actually spells. The best spells are the ones you write yourself.  A spell will not work unless true need of it is present... so don't be getting greedy.  Also, magick always takes the path of least resistance... a spell can only open a "path" which you will need to take in order to reach your goal. A method of bending will into reality.

Spellcrafting - The practice of creating spells by writing outline and authoring incantations.

Spiral - A spiral like symbol that represents the "coming into being".

Spiral Scouts - A program similar to boy scouts and girl scouts that teach of Pagan ways as well as the boys and girls meet together instead of separate groups.

Spirit - The overall energy that runs the universe in a harmonious way.

Spirit Guides - or Familiars These spirits are there to help us in our lives, especially in dealing with major life lessons. Spirit Guides are drawn from among the spirits of people we have known or with whom we still have a strong connection.
In medieval times Spirit Guides were called Fairies, now known as Nature Spirits or “guardian angels.”

Staff - Ritual tool which corresponds to the wand or athame, although seldom used.

Stang - Ritual tool from Pagan Rome which resembles a two-pronged trident. Often used in place of the wand.

Stomachic - Plants which have curative properties in easing disorders of the stomach: angelica, avens, blessed thistle, blue gentian, bogbean, burdock leaves, cayenne pepper, elecampane, ginseng, gum plant, hop plant, lemon verbena, oyster plant, peppermint, Roman chamomile, rosemary, salsify, spearmint, sweet flag, and yerba buena.

Storm Moon, Cold Moon, Wolf Moon - January  A storm is said to rage most fiercely just before it ends, and the year usually follows suit. Now is time when the animals move in for search of food.

Stregheria - The tradition and the Old Religion of Italian Witchcraft.

Suffumigations - Magickal incenses made from herbs and burned by Witches and magicians to attract spirits and enable them to materialize. Suffumigations are used in ceremonial magick, seances, and necromancy. Anise, dried carnation flowers, dittany of Crete, frankincense, dried gardenia petals, heather, pipsissewa, sweetgrass, and wormwood are the herbs most commonly used by Witches.

Summerland - Sort of a Pagan "heaven"; a place after death.

Summoner - Like a male version of the maiden, a member of the coven who is an assistant to the High Priest.

Sunwise - See 'Deosil'.

Symbols - A sign which represents something else. Symbols are used commonly in rituals to represent gods, elements, goals, and more. Many tools are symbols. Written markings used for activating a subconscious reaction. Usually used in magick for helping the mind relate to the workings of magick.

Sympathetic Magick - The first form of magick. Artifacts found  dating 25,000 years ago, they would ritually hunt and 'kill' a bison prepared from clay (by stabbing the clay bison with a pointy stick repeatedly) in the expectation that the next day's hunt would be successful. Based on the principle that "Like cures like".  Most spells are done this way.  Items that have similar qualities can be used to effect each other.  Ex. plants are green, - growing plants are green, green candles therefore symbolize growth.  You use a symbolic representation of the intent, and whatever you do to it, will be reflected on the actual goal.  Poppets are sympathetic magick.

Synchronicity- When two things occur at exactly the same time. Having the same vibrational and magickal energies. To time things together for a desired magickal outcome. 

Talisman - A ritually charged object, imbues with the power to attract a certain kind of energy to its wearer. Opposite of an amulet.

Tarot Cards - ( pr. Ter-row) A set of 78 cards which have pictures and symbols on them. The cards are used to connect the user with the collective unconscious in order to get information about a person or situation. There are Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards in a deck, each having their own general meaning and attributes, leaving the rest of the interpretation for the 'querent' (one who is inquiring).

Tattwas/Tattvas - A Hindu term for the elements, the five manifestations of universal energy. These are: Prithivi, symbolized by a yellow square and respresenting the element of earth; Apas, symbolized by a white crescent and respresenting the element of water; Tejas, symbolized by a red triangle and respresenting the element of fire; Vayu, symbolized by a blue circle and respresenting the element of air; Akasha, symbolized by a black oval, (rather like a cosmic egg) and respresenting the element of spirit.

Telekinesis - Ability to move objects with the mind without physical means, through only the mind’s will.

Telepathy - The power to send messages through only the use of the mind's will. (psychic) Unspoken communication between two minds.

Teutonic - Of the Goths; Predominately the Norse and Germanic cultures, magick and traditions.

Thelema - Religious beliefs that are founded on magic within the Christian pantheon.

Theurgy - Magick involving the use of divine spirits and oneness or closeness with one's God/Deitie(s).

Third Degree - Is given the AUTHORITY to use with the power given in the Second degree.  Is fully qualified to hive off from the Mother Coven and start his or her own Coven or group.  If the 3rd Degree HPS remains within the parent Coven, she is qualified to cast the magick Circle and create the temple between the worlds.  She may act as the vessel of the Lady during Full Moon rituals when the HPS of the Coven is absent. In the HPS absence, she will also act on behalf of the Coven's HPS in every way, save for banishing and bindings.  She is frequently a Hand Maiden, teacher, and counselor.  May be given positions of authority within the Coven such as Elder.  HP or HPS of the 3rd Degree may perform all first and second degree initiations and, if requested, and approved by the HPS, may perform 3rd degree initiations.  Is qualified to lead Sabbat celebrations and oversee all ritual work. 

Third Eye - The psychic eye, not physically visible, but mental. Located in the middle of the forehead the sixth chakra..

Three Eyes of Kerridwen, (The) - The formula for all magickal words - Exception, Desire, and Merging.

Three-fold Law - A Wiccan principle which originated from the teachings of Gerald Gardner. It states that any action made by a person will be returned them three times as powerfully, whether the action was good or bad. By this law, you are encouraged to do good things so that you will be rewarded later on with three times the benevolence, as opposed to bad things which result in thrice the consequence.

Thurible - A thurible is an incense holder suspended from a chain, which can be hung, or swung to disseminate the smoke through a given area. They are sometimes extremely richly decorated.

Tincture - A liquid produced by soaking plant materials in ethyl alcohol (such as brandy, gin, or vodka). (or medicinally, in apple cider vinegar) to produce a scented liquid. An herbal medicine that is made by mixing four ounces of powdered or finely cut herb with one pint of spirits (such as brandy, gin, or vodka). The mixture is kept in a large, tightly sealed jar for about two weeks and shaken several times daily to enable the medicinal properties of the herb to be released into the alcohol. After the two-week period, the tincture is then strained through a cheesecloth into another clean bottle and stored until needed.

Tonics - Plants which strengthen or invigorate the body and stimulate general health: agrimony, avens, barberries, bayberry bark and roots, bloodroot, burdock, chamomile, chicory, coltsfoot, dandelion, ginger, goldenrod, horehound, Joe-pye weed, mint, pipsissewa, red clover, rue, sea holly, selfheal, speedwell, sweet fern, sweet flag, tansy, vervain, watercress, Witch hazel, wood sage, wormwood, and yarrow.

Tools, Ritual - Athame, Altar,  Besom, Bell, Candles, Censer (thurible), Cords, Goblet (cup,chalice), Salt, Wand, Divinatory devices, stones etc.  Any of a number of ritual and magickal tools used for specific purposes, any object that helps achieve a purpose. The variety may vary with traditions and individuals.

Topaz - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of strength of the insight, knowledge, devotion, divine love and creativity.

Totem, Animal- A spirit guide in the form of an animal who chooses to accompany you. This tradition is derived from Native American spirituality.

Tourmaline - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of strength of the spirit, regeneration, creativity and growth.

Tradition - A specific way of practicing the Craft.- Sects or groups which practice certain ways. Each tradition has a different set of rules and guidelines by which it follows, so when one chooses a tradition, one much be aware of the facets of the tradition and believe that the rules suit them best. Some examples of traditions are Gardnerian, Celtic, Faery, and Strega.

Tradition , High - The High Traditions are a council of Wiccan/Pagan leaders in America. Evidently, if you are not recognized by the "High Trads." you are not actually a Wiccan/Pagan. I will supply no further comment.

Traditional - The term is used to refer to anyone that follows a specific body of rites and practices  including modern revived or reconstructed Traditions, especially ones that focus on a particular ethnic or cultural background - in order to distinguish between "Traditional" and "Eclectic" Witchcraft

Traditions - Branch of paganism followed by any individual Pagan or coven.

Traditions, Wiccan - An organized, structured, specific Wiccan sub-group, usually initiatory, with often-unique ritual practices.  Many Traditions have their own Book of Shadows and may or may not recognize members of other Traditions as Wiccan.  Most Traditions are composed of a number of Covens as well as solitary practitioners.

Trance - This state is ideal for some magickal purposes. Through deep meditation, you are aware of nothing and everything around you at the same time. A certain extent of detachment.

Transmutation - The work of alchemy, changing base metals and elements into precious things.

Tree Calendar - The Celtic system of reckoning the 13 lunar months of the year by assigning each a sacred tree.

Trickster - Many Pantheons and mythologies have a trickster deity. One of the most well known is the Native American god, Coyote, who tricks man into doing what he needs to learn. Another trickster deity, although more menacing, is the Norse/Germanic Loki. This also corresponds to the concept of "Holy Fool" in many other traditions. See Coyote Energy.

Trickster Energy -  Referring to the energy generated by a trickster deity and/or trickster spirit. See Coyote Energy.

Trilithon - A stone arch made from 2 upright slabs of rock or wood, with one lying atop.  Commonly used as an altar.

Triple Goddess - the 3 aspects of the Goddess: Maiden, Mother and Crone.

Tuathal - "Northward" Means Widdershins, The Gaelic name for turning anti-clockwise in the circle (to the left). See Widdershins.

Ululation - The part of an incantation or chant which demands full vocal force and volume. It is done in rituals. In Arab countries ululation is commonly used by women to express celebration or grief.

Uncasting - Opening of the circle at the end of a ritual.

Underworld - The realm of the spirit; realm of the Dead in Egyptology.

Unguent - A special ointment or salve used by Witches to promote healing and to induce astral projections and psychic dreams. Also known as flying ointment and sorcerer's grease. In the Middle Ages, unguents containing various hallucinogenic ingredients were believed to give a Witch the powers of flight, invisibility, and transformation.

Universal Deity - The different faces of Deity are ways of understanding Universal deity. All of the faces of Deity in the end reflect the same universal power, as in fact do we and all of creation. That universal power is infinite and beyond our power to know in its totality, so we make understandable images through which we may interface with it.

Unmanifest - The unknown source of existence, it is said that magicians take their power from the unmanifest to use it within the manifest.